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作品分类:经典网站  矿物  矿产地  数据  在线  矿物  数据  资源  社区


Mindat 是国际互联网络上最大的矿物数据库和矿物学参考网站。这个网站包含世界各地的矿物数据,矿物收集数据,矿产地的数据和其他矿物的信息。据统计目前已经收录了42257中矿物品种,拥有50万的会员不断的更新矿物照片资源。

Mindat is the largest mineral database and mineralogy reference website on the internet. This site contains worldwide data on minerals, mineral collecting, mineral localities and other mineralogical data.

This site is growing every day, with new mineral information, localities and photographs added by members.42,257 mineral names (inc. synonyms, varieties, etc). 242,813 different localities. 565,893 member photos.
