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作品分类:经典网站  手机  用户  收购  比价  二手手机  回收  SellCell


用户首先在sellcell上输入自己希望出售的二手手机型号(比如iPhone 5),然后sellcell会帮助用户比较所有的出价者,用户只需要挑选自己最满意的那家就可以了。sellcell的物流费用是免费的,不过,与国内的一些同类服务不同的是,用户是直接将手机寄送到收购者(在选择满意的收购者后,收购者会提供出售者一些信息以供快递)。


SellCell.com compares the prices from all the top phone buyers in the US to ensure you get the most money when selling your cell phone.

There can be a big difference in price between the highest and lowest prices paid for each cell phone. Why spend your valuable time comparing prices from individual phone buyers to get the best price when we compare prices from all of the top companies in the US for you in seconds!
