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作品分类:经典网站  是一个  书单  文化  新闻网  全球  文化  Flavorwire

Flavorwire 网站是一个致力于流行文化新闻评论的站点,主要内容涵盖了电影、电视、美术、图书、音乐等栏目,另外该网站还进行各种文化方面的年度点评,如世界上最美丽的书店、年度最佳小说、诗集以及非虚构作品书单等。

Flavorwire is a publication of Flavorpill Media, a network of culturally connected people, covering events, art, books, music, film, TV, and pop culture the world over. Highbrow, lowbrow, and everything in between: if it’s compelling, we’re talking about it. Flavorwire features global cultural news and commentary, original reporting, and the occasional cat photo (this is the Internet, after all).
