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作品分类:经典网站  团队  协作  社会化  社会化  协作  团队  平台  GoComm


根据 GoComm 的官网,这款应用具备一定的任务指派功能,用户可以在 app 上指派任务、跟踪任务完成情况,而团队还会有一个公共的 to-do 列表。


现在 GoComm 已经盈利了,签了个为期一年价值 15 万美元的大单。这样的社会化协作平台除了可以协同活动的组织外,还可用于建筑业、安保及酒店业等等。目前国内强调移动端的社会化协作平台也有不少,其中针对外勤销售的包括纷享销客、销售易等。


1、Streamline communications

See all your team’s communications in one secure, transparent feed. No more messy email chains and missed calls.

2、Simplify your tasks

Easily assign tasks and track progress in real time. A single button press gives you confirmation as tasks are completed. Keep your team on the same page with a shared to-do list.

3、Organize your team

With automated onboarding, your roster is instantly updated with contact info as new members join the group. Designed to quickly pull in people from across organizations.
